EU's marathon COVID-19 vaccination drive off to uneven start Health workers speak with Mauricette, a 78-year-old French woman, after she received … “There is systemic corruption in the health system,” he stated, so that “you won’t know very well if these vaccines are effective, are there side effects, and so on.”, In a second section, Dr Fouché pointed out that the legal and legislative context shows that rules around the manufacture of a vaccine are particular: “The procedure for making a vaccine has nothing to do with the procedure for putting a drug on the market. What? “In the same way, children should not be vaccinated, children have nothing to do with this business,” he insisted. He then took aim at Paris town hall’s shambolic handling of the latest version of the capital’s delay-plagued Vélib’ bike rental scheme. It’s a very hard disease to live with, with an incidence of one per 100,000 in France as far as has been established, but there are probably people in whom it hasn’t been detected. That, however, is still way behind the UK, where around two million people have had a first jab. “This exit from the crisis is being developed in a context of fear and haste. Why is that? “Dengvaxia short-circuited the first episode of benign dengue fever, as if preparing everyone who had had it to have a severe, hemorrhagic, and sometimes fatal dengue fever,” he said. louis fouché, “This is slowly leading us to be in the situation of the white Khmers, a totalitarian situation on a techno-sanitaristic basis. We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism. Otherwise, it will not be marketed, because it will not obtain a marketing authorization.”, “Vaccines don’t follow that rationale. Fouché thinks not, and he said so in crude terms: “On the beneficial effects: they’re trying to reduce the mortality or transmissibility of a virus that is relatively harmless in the population, where most of the consequences that have been observed socially and sociologically and economically and health-wise are related to health policy choices, not to the virus itself, or its virulence or its severity. At the individual level, it’s obviously nil, since you have healthy people in whom you inject something so that eventually they won’t get sick, whereas they would already have a very small risk of getting sick, strategically and epidemiologically. “COVID is not a childhood disease, as I told you they are not sick, not vectors, not transmitters, nor reservoirs. Fouché first called attention to the modus operandi of the present vaccine-mongers: creating fear and hopelessness, the idea that restrictive measures are necessary, and the idea that hospitals should be protected from overload. View it here. france, Refuse this vaccination.”. PARIS, FRANCE -- President Emmanuel Macron on Monday faced growing pressure to accelerate France's COVID-19 vaccination drive which has … ‘Refuse this vaccination’: Acclaimed French doctor unloads on COVID…, ‘Refuse this vaccination’: Acclaimed French doctor unloads on COVID vaccine, Polish prime minister condemns online censorship days after Trump…, Polish prime minister condemns online censorship days after Trump dumped by Big Tech, Three men arrested outside Irish cathedral while broadcasting Mass, Major bank warns it could cancel accounts of unmasked customers in branches, ‘We should be fearless’: Catholic leader on how Christians can…, ‘We should be fearless’: Catholic leader on how Christians can survive ‘cancel culture’, As Big Tech purges conservatives, here's where you can stay connected with LifeSite, is not recommended for people with “significant” allergic reactions. It has no impact whatsoever. Capitalized sentences or comments will be removed (Internet shouting). Later in his talk, he quoted a French Senate report on the H1N1 vaccine fiasco in France: “The more we increase fear, the more we increase the degree of acceptability of a vaccine in the general population.”. Paris | Published: 11:31, Jan 01,2021 A healthcare worker vaccinates a man with the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine at a large vaccination centre open by the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Centre on December 31, 2020 in the Israeli coastal city. All this should shock you to the highest degree, and you should refuse it at the risk of going toward a totalitarian dystopia. This is also of concern in France, because even if the COVID-19 vaccine is not compulsory, travel companies and others could make it a prerequisite for obtaining their services. PARIS - France aims to launch a major COVID-19 vaccination campaign between April and June next year, President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday. French government would have botched D-Day given their Covid vaccination record, Paris mayor says Macron administration hits back that if Anne … Many voices have been raised, not only on social media and anti-COVID-19 restrictions websites, but also in the mainstream media, with prominent anchors saying they won’t take a vaccine whose middle- and long-term effects are totally unknown. The European Union then kicked off on December 27, the start of the Commission’s declared “vaccination … “Finally, there is a technical contextualization to be made: we are talking about vaccines that are quite innovative for a certain number of them. LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. France had initially planned to focus first on vaccinating elderly people in care homes, who face the highest risk of death from coronavirus. COVID-19 vaccines are not and will not be compulsory in France, President Emmanuel Macron said in one of his recent addresses to the nation. She echoed calls by local politicians to divest powers to French towns and regions in acquiring and distributing vaccines rather than enlisting the help of private consultants McKinsey. Fouché also addressed the question of the innovative technology behind the new vaccines. December 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — While people learned on Wednesday that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” is not recommended for people with “significant” allergic reactions, after two “adverse reactions,” the French are widely rejecting future vaccinations against the illness, scheduled to start in January. Have you done many things in your life in fear and haste that have turned out to be good things? The vaccine aims to create antibodies. It’s really marketing, progressive brainwashing to tell you that everything is fine, there are no side-effects, et cetera. Après le démarrage de la vaccination dans les Ehpad parisiens, la campagne de vaccination contre le Covid-19 débute ce lundi pour les Parisiens de plus de 75 ans. Fouché is a respected doctor, who has the support of widely popular Pr. Scientists are racing against time to provide a proven treatment. “The Covid-19 vaccine is created with the newest vaccine technology,” said Todd Hallmark, the authority’s executive officer of health. But as Fouché shows, that may not be the end of the case. All of these are widely shared in the population through media propaganda. À l'aube du début de la campagne de vaccination contre la covid en France, la Haute Autorité de Santé s'est exprimée ce samedi 19 décembre 2020 à travers un communiqué. The focus of risk must be very much on the safety side,” he added: you shouldn’t take lightly the risk of making well people ill , especially when the fatality rate of COVID-19 is only 0.05 percent. But you also have the usual risk of vaccines and the risks are often immunological and delayed. Ethically, there is something wrong. His final warning was a call to lucidity: “Caution invites you to refuse any totalitarian drift that would be linked with the vaccine idea itself: social credit, vaccination certificates under the skin, etc. Fouché gave the Danish example: “This is the proposal that was made in Denmark, which led to nine days of uninterrupted demonstrations that forced the authorities to retract and revise the draft law: it consisted of saying that you could be put in a containment camp because you refuse vaccination, and that you can be forcibly treated against your will. In a recent poll, 54 percent of respondents announced that they intend to receive the shot; further surveys are confirming that half of the French population is “against” the COVID-19 vaccine in a context of growing suspicion regarding vaccines in general and the breakneck speed with which Moderna, Pfizer, and other companies have developed new shots in particular. Traffic around Paris hit record levels just hours before a new national lockdown came into force across France. It hasn’t been talked about in the mainstream media, but that will come because it would be so ‘convenient.’ Now here is something that’s contemporary to this whole crisis: the idea that professional and medical secrecy have to be shattered, that your health is a kind of public good that everybody has to be aware of. Piqued, government spokesman Gabrial Attal countered that Ms Hidalgo’s reasoning was questionable given that “the French government wasn’t tasked with managing D-Day”. France plans to speed up its COVID-19 vaccination campaign, as it is lagging behind other European countries. Fouché is especially wary of vaccinating children. There are some very motivated teams, but often they are accused of being biased, because they exist because they are motivated to try to understand, and they have tiny budgets for their job. There is no particular difficulty. To date in France, three children have died of COVID, two of whom were known to have serious illnesses. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol Au 11 janvier, plus de 130 000 personnes ont été vaccinées contre le covid-19 en France contre un peu plus de 500 au … | Legal Information | Privacy Policy. Often you are told, within three months the case is closed. remove comments. The country is now speeding up, with the health ministry on Monday announcing that the 100,000-mark had now been surpassed. The Socialists were left in tatters after Mr Macron’s surprise presidential and legislative triumph in 2017 and Ms Hidalgo is one of the country’s highest-profile remaining Left-wing figures after clinching a second term last year. Macron administration hits back that if Anne Hidalgo was in command of Normandy landings, 'the ships would never have left America'. Her campaign received a boost after the initial Macron candidate pulled out over a sex tape scandal. Importantly, he recalled that “some antibodies” sparked by vaccines “are not protective, but facilitators.” He gave the example of dengue fever in the Philippines, where the vaccine created by Sanofi, a French laboratory, facilitated a second episode of dengue fever that was more severe than the first in those who had already had it. The same goes for vaccines that use synthetic viral particles, and the results are uncertain. Paris, France Published: Dec 31, 2020, 11.29 PM(IST) View in App; File photo: Covid-19 vaccination Photograph:( Reuters ) Follow Us Story highlights. The problem lies with developers’ absence of responsibility, Fouché explained: it is the State that bears the brunt of any costs related to undesirable side-effects, even the most serious ones. A drug follows safety phases one after the other, first preclinical, then clinical, and then has to demonstrate that it is more effective than other strategies, showing it renders a service that is important. For the moment we have these marketing punchlines from certain vaccine firms, like Pfizer and BioNTech, who have told us: the vaccines  are 90 percent effective, even 92 or 95 percent. You must have the contextual wisdom to see that the COVID-19 vaccine, which is being proposed to you here with plenty of marketing punchlines; you need to see the whys and wherefores, the context and the various issues behind it that are obviously not aiming at keeping you healthy,” said Fouché. There are ongoing lawsuits. What does that mean? Is the situation so bad that these risks could be justified? When they tell you that it reduces the number of severe forms, even the definition of severe forms is not given in the texts that you can read on marketing sites that are the showcases of the vaccine industry.”, Fouché also recalled what might be called the “ordinary” issues with a number of vaccines: “Regarding the side-effects, we talked about the risk of producing too many viruses, the risk of retrotransposons and integration of the viral genome. “They have created a ‘yes set’: a hypnotic concatenation of concepts many agree with, ending with one that is false: the last one says that ‘the only way out is the vaccine.’” This excludes treatment, and treatment is available,” he recalled. That is to say that access to civil rights, social rights, and various services would be denied you if you were not vaccinated.”. Ms Hidalgo on Sunday hinted that she may run for president in 2022, saying: “I will play my part to the full.”. “We are responsible for what we do, in space and in time. “We are being led to something that is extremely nauseating and that you probably don’t want,” he added. “But these antibodies are not necessarily protective, and if they are, maybe not for long. In early December, Japan confirmed that it will be providing free Covid-19 vaccine for the whole country. “If the Normandy landings had been managed as Anne Hidalgo managed the Vélib’, the ships would never have left America,” he added, pointing out that the capital’s electric rental scheme was also a hugely costly fiasco. Instead, “[a]dults can contaminate children ... but is that so serious?” he asked. It so happens that there are people who have these enzymes: all people who are HIV carriers[.] Well, actually, we don’t know, because we don't have data-monitoring. police state, This prompted Fouché to make clear that being told of an absence of adverse effects within a period of two months among the tested cohorts doesn’t allow one to conclude anything at all. “The vaccine is designed to build the immune system without giving the patient an active dose of the virus and requires … Fouché regularly pleads for a return to normal life, the end of fear and of compulsory masks, even heading a public event in Marseille last weekend to encourage all to stand up to the present wave of irrational panic. only 516 people received jabs in the first week. So leave the children alone, like in ‘The Wall’: ‘Hey, teacher, leave the kids alone!’”. Then there are risks of autoimmune diseases, things like that. Comments under LifeSiteNews stories do not necessarily represent the views of LifeSiteNews. Well, all the technology and patents are ready. Red tape and a lack of logistical foresight have been major sticking points. LifeSiteNews welcomes thoughtful, respectful comments that add useful information or insights. You will see, the government and its medical and pharmaceutical acolytes, the political, economic, medical, and technocratic power behind it, will recoil, because that is the only thing they can do when confronted with common sense and peace. It’s a delusional idea to think that like with flu, we can use a strain from the Southern hemisphere after their winter to vaccinate in the North,” said Dr Fouché. Just a few weeks ago, more than half of the world's population was on lockdown to limit the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues. LifeSiteNews gives priority to pro-life, pro-family commenters and reserves the right to edit or And we have a problem here: as I told you, vaccine companies do not pay for vaccine side-effects, and who pays? Neighbouring Germany has vaccinated around 700,000 people. Mauricette, a French 78-year-old woman, is the first to get vaccinated for COVID-19 at the Rene-Muret hospital in Servan near Paris, Sunday Dec. 27, 2020. It’s very attractive, especially as RNA doesn’t cost anything to produce. We don’t know,” he pointed out. L'objectif reste le même : contrôler la propagation du virus et faire baisser le nombre des formes graves de la maladie.Car se faire vacciner permet de se protéger mais aussi de protéger les autres. Macron candidate pulled out over a sex tape scandal. Depuis le 27 décembre, la vaccination contre le coronavirus a commencé dans les Ehpad. (Thomas Samson/Pool Photo via AP) Maintain the balance of power. Fouché is not happy either with the way a completely new type of vaccine is being distributed with no foresight as to its potential issues. LSN commenting is not for frequent personal blogging, on-going debates or theological or other disputes ... California's Disneyland to become Covid vaccination site 9. "From the president at the top, down to the youngest, newest local mayor, we are all joined in one obsession – that our country conquers the pandemic," Karl Olive, mayor of Poissy, near Paris, where one of … It doesn’t mean cowardice; it means the intelligence of courage. We mustn’t be afraid or angry about it; we just have to say no, very, very clearly,” said Fouché. Emmanuel Macron's vaccination fiasco suggests he's no Churchill, says Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo has taken aim at Emmanuel Macron's vaccination woes, Lib Dem MP accused of election fraud over spending  reported to police, Leading plastic surgeon in hospital as former colleague is arrested, SNP Health Secretary apologises to Matt Hancock for publishing sensitive vaccine supply figures, 'Kill him with his own gun': US officer Michael Fanone describes facing the mob at the Capitol, Universal Credit uplift could be extended under plans favoured by work and pensions ministers, Britain's nimble vaccine taskforce puts EU bureaucracy to shame – and shows how Brexit can succeed. When you pose the risk, you must weigh it in the medium and long term,” he added, and not make it weigh “on you and on me through our tax money.”. PARIS, France - Around 50 countries around the world have already started vaccinating their people against COVID-19, barely a year after the first alert by China signalled the start of the epidemic. Right now, we just don’t know. It’s very easy to do. Vendredi 8 janvier 2021, l’Agence régionale de santé a dévoilé les nouveaux centres de vaccination contre le Covid-19 à Paris. His remarks regarding the current innovative RNA vaccines give valuable insights into the way these are supposed to work, but also the gigantic financial interests involved and the insane but clever way in which the authorities are promoting them. Here are some of the highlights of Fouché’s remarks in his November 28 video. That is not true. PARIS (Reuters) - France is stepping up its COVID-19 vaccine rollout by widening the first target group to include more health workers and simplifying a cumbersome process to … great reset, Developing classical vaccines that use deactivated particles of virus is a lengthy and expensive process, Fouché explained. This “has gradually brought in an emergency regime into the law that is tending to normalize itself into a kind of totalitarian emergency regime that replaces the rule of law,” warned Fouché, adding: “This is really a problem, and we must return to democracy, the rule of law, and the normal regime of expression of the law.”. The government. Normally our genome is DNA, and ARN doesn’t retrotranscribe — unless if you have a retrotranscriptase, which is the enzyme that turns RNA into DNA. No, it is not. There are other strategies against COVID-19 that would allow us to stop the delirium on the one hand and to stop the disease on the other hand, and they would keep the hospitals away from overload and strain.”, In the pandemic’s wake, vaccine development was accelerated, and safety procedures were whittled down. On the political side, he remarked: “There is a sociological and democratic context that is worrying, since many people are standing up to explain that vaccination must be linked with a law of exception, that would end up with a kind of totalitarian regime induced by the fact that if you refuse vaccination, you could be given a Chinese-style social credit. between commenters. You can easily modify it using bio-computer technology. The feat of pulling off the largest amphibious assault in history befell Britain and America. The administration of Covid-19 vaccine jabs started on 27 December 2020 in France. On the other hand, the difficulty resides in the fact that in reality, it’s hard to know if you’re going to start on a synthesis by your cells of too many viral particles and be sick all the time, and have very serious forms of the illness, or if on the contrary you’re going to have a form where you're going to synthesize very little and, in the end, the whole thing’s not going to work, or if it’s going to be just right and be very good.” But there is an even more serious concern: “We can’t know whether the RNA is going to integrate into your genome.”, Fouché explained: “What does that mean? Here we have a real systemic problem once again, a systemic corruption that makes us unwilling to face the adverse effects of vaccines.”. The effort must therefore focus on this: on health policy, on a health system which must be resilient, on protecting people who are weak and who are at risk of serious forms, not on pissing off the French, trying to get into their bodies.”, He added: “The benefit is not at all clear in the general population. Again, I invite you to think whether this is what you want.”, Fouché warned: “The guilty haste with which the government has started talking, and the parliament also has started talking, about a constitutional amendment in view of a total vaccination obligation, makes me think that something needs to be done right away.”. The plan is to vaccinate the country against coronavirus within the first half of 2021.

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