Van de Wetering, p. 290; Summary, XXV and following pages. Lorsqu’il peint cet Autoportrait en St Paul, en 1661, le temps de son grand succès est un peu révolu, comme le fait remarquer Annemarie Veld Heijn [3]. The first for several years. Self-portrait stolen from Nationalmuseum in Stockholm recovered in Copenhagen -", "Expert confirms painting is a Rembrandt", Complete Rembrandt Catalogue: Self Portraits, Bust of a Man Wearing a Gorget and Plumed Beret, Diana Bathing with her Nymphs with Actaeon and Callisto, Pendant portraits of Maerten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit, The Archangel Raphael Leaving Tobias' Family, Ahasuerus and Haman at the Feast of Esther, Self-Portrait Wearing a White Feathered Bonnet, Self-Portrait in a Black Beret and Gold Chain,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Printmaker, 108-112; White, 143-144; Summary, XXVII. Autoportrait au béret et gorget, 1634. Paul était l'un des principaux apôtres. To Kenneth Clark, Rembrandt is "with the possible exception of Van Gogh, the only artist who has made the self-portrait a major means of artistic self-expression, and he is absolutely the one who has turned self-portraiture into an autobiography. October 3, 2012, Canon 7D. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. White, 10, 83; Summary, XXV, XXVI: from XXV "Current surveys of Rembrandt's self-portraits usually include some 90 works". Ajouter à l'album. résolution maximale: 371x480px La … L'exercice de l'autoportrait n’a vraiment été pratiqué qu’à partir du XV e siècle A cette époque, en effet, les techniques de miroiterie ont été perfectionnées [37], B8, c. 1631, 6 states, the earliest with a much larger plate. These are B7, B19, B21 and B22, stretching between 1631 and 1648. B10, 1630, 3 states, one of van de Wetering's "studies in expression". Hst, 62,5x54cm. B363, c. 1632. Liberty [2019] Directed by: Faren Humes Written by: Faren Humes Produced by: Katherine Fisher, Diego Nájera Loggy and Alex’s friendship in Miami’s redeveloping Liberty Square is threatened when Loggy learns that Alex is being … B13, 1630, state 3/3, one of van de Wetering's "studies in expression". Prenons le cas de Rembrandt, maître incontesté dans l’art de l’autoportrait (il en a réalisé une centaine au cours de sa vie) : la dernière apparition d’un autoportrait de l’artiste aux enchères remonte à 15 ans. [54] There is also Le miroir des paradoxes. Compare the Washington red chalk drawing below. Rembrandt Laughing, c. 1628, re-discovered in 2008,[19] J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Self-Portrait in a Gorget, c. 1629, oil on panel, Small self-portrait on copper with beret and gathered shirt (‘stilus mediocris’) by Rembrandt (1630)[20], Rembrandt in 1632, when he was enjoying great success as a fashionable portraitist in this style. [17] This is one reason why the hands are usually omitted or "just cursorily described" in the paintings; they would be on the "wrong" side if painted from the mirror. "[11], While the popular interpretation is that these images represent a personal and introspective journey, it is also the case that they were painted to satisfy a market for self-portraits by prominent artists. [36], B27, about 1628. Le Festin de Balthazar • 1635. À chaque nouvelle peine trop forte, nous sentons une veine de plus qui saille et développe sa sinuosité mortelle au long de notre tempe, sous nos yeux. [18] References to large mirrors occur at various points from the 1650s, and the later portraits include several showing him at a longer length than before; about 80 cm was the maximum height for a sheet of mirror glass technically possible in Rembrandt's lifetime. Role-playing in Self-portrait as an oriental Potentate with a Kris, etching, 1634. [53], 1657-58, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Printmaker, 116-118 and White, 141-142 give different accounts of the progress of this mixed plate. Rembrandt se choisissait comme modèle afin de résoudre avec succés les problèmes d'éclairage et de clair-obscur. Details from Schwartz, unless otherwise referenced. Bonafoux inclut même sa propre représentation dans La Lapidation de saint Étienne, peint en 1625, où il se représente dans la foule[4]. 2 août 2017 - Explorez le tableau « Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn » de Dieu Dorian, auquel 331 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. One may have been bought about 1652 and then sold in 1656 when he went bankrupt. Parce qu'il naît au sein d'une famille moderste, ses parents mettent un … D’autres chefs-d’œuvre de Rembrandt suivront en outre cet Autoportrait en Saint Paul. Domaine public. But there is no sign that his powers are failing him, in his appearance, his technique or his signature. L'épée, avec laquelle il combat pour sa foi et avec laquelle il a été exécuté, est le second. Here the light rakes his right cheek while the rest of his face is enveloped in shadow. The dozens of self-portraits by Rembrandt were an important part of his oeuvre. His oil paintings trace the progress from an uncertain young man, through the dapper and very successful portrait-painter of the 1630s, to the troubled but massively powerful portraits of his old age. La pointe d’acier qui entaille le vernis met le cuivre à nu. However, there is a gap in paintings between 1645 and 1652. Burrell Collection, Glasgow. Then there are 10 "early studies in etching technique", most very rare, five "studies in expression", which he distinguishes from the three tronies, finished images using Rembrandt's own features in historical costume.[33]. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 5 juillet 2020 à 05:01. He notes that such aspects of the painted portraits as historical dress, poses recalling famous Renaissance portraits, a double portrait with Saskia, and portraits in his studio working clothes, are all seen in the etchings before they appear in painted self-portraits. Printmaker, 243-247; White, 186-187; Clark, 21-23. [3] The etchings are mostly informal, often playful tronies, studies of extreme facial expressions or portraits in what amounts to fancy dress; in several the clothes are the fashions of a century or more earlier. Perhaps abandoned before the hat is added, and the plate recycled for studies.[42]. Young Rembrandt, à l’Ashmolean Museum d’Oxford présente les œuvres de la première décennie de production du jeune artiste né à Leyde, qui en dix ans, de 1624 à 1634, devient la star d’Amsterdam, capitale du monde au moment du Siècle d’Or hollandais. [12] Both paintings and etchings seem to have often been bought by collectors,[13] and while some of the etchings are very rare, others were printed in considerable numbers for the time. En se représentant en l'apôtre Paul, Rembrandt montre également l'imperfection de sa propre vie, et reconnaît qu'il dépend de la grâce de Dieu[1]. Notre tableau est présenté dans un riche cadre en bois sculpté et doré à la feuille d'or, travail italien de la fin XVIIIe début XIXe siècle. Rembrandt. [28], Vienna c. 1655, oil on walnut, cut down in size, 1659?, on loan to the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh.[29]. [10] In others he is pulling faces at himself. National Gallery, London. B17, 1633, 2 states, one of van de Wetering's tronies. It was to be his last self-portrait, and indeed almost his last painting. il se livra le plus, se soumettant à une autoanalyse pénétrante. B320, 1630, one of van de Wetering's "studies in expression". The pose draws on portraits by Titian and Raphael, A Man with a Quilted Sleeve (NG, London) and Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (Louvre) respectively. [2] The self-portraits create a visual diary of the artist over a span of forty years. In state iv, a landscape is added outside. [4] The last three etchings date to 1648,[5] c. 1651,[6] and 1658,[7] whereas he was still painting portraits in 1669, the year he died at the age of 63. Ajouter à l'album ... 1634. [51], Red chalk, c. 1637, National Gallery of Art, Washington. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Self Portrait, 1660. Compare B21 below. Self-Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar, 1659. There are a number (7 or 8) of what seem to be abandoned attempts at such portraits around the same times, some then used as etching "study sheets". A short film from 1956 by Bert Haanstra showed a chronological sequence of the paintings, with the eyes always in the same position, and the different images dissolving into each other. Le tableau montre Rembrandt  vêtu de sombre, sur un fond également sombre. L’eau-forte est une technique de gravure consistant à inciser une plaque de cuivre préalablement enduite d’un vernis et chauffée. The dozens of self-portraits by Rembrandt were an important part of his oeuvre. Dans ce tableau, Rembrandt représente une bible imprimée en caractères hébraïques, comme il l’avait déjà fait dans son œuvre « Vieille femme lisant (La Mère de l’artiste) », en 1631[2]. As inexperienced as he is, the young Rembrandt does not shy away from experimenting. [25] National Gallery, London, c. 1640 (1639–1641), Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena. Rembrandt,Autoportrait (1634)Rembrandt, Autoportrait (1652)Rembrandt, Autoportrait (1669) Cf. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Rembrandt… No self-portraits were listed in the famous 1656 inventory,[14] and only a handful of the paintings remained in the family after his death. The drawing seems to be done largely from the top down, without sharpening the chalk. On an abandoned plate. [34], B22, Self Portrait Drawing at a Window, 1648, 5 states. In the etchings the printing process creates a reversed image, and the prints therefore show Rembrandt in the same orientation as he appeared to contemporaries. As a rather sinister Oriental figure, with added bulk and a wart near the nose. Rembrandt a réalisé près de cinquante tableaux, trente et une eaux-fortes et six dessins[réf. Voir toutes les tailles. [Portrait de Rembrandt, en ovale] (1634) [Portrait de Rembrandt tenant un sabre] (1634) ... Autoportrait de Rembrandt, le bras droit appuyé sur une margelle (2ème état) (NAF 22740) Article de Joséphin Péladan : «. Self-portrait, Rembrandt van Rijn, c. 1628 oil on panel, h 22.6cm × w 18.7cm More details. [31], Self-Portrait at the Age of 63 - Dated 1669, the year he died, though he looks much older in other portraits. Rembrandt created approaching one hundred self-portraits including over forty paintings, thirty-one etchings and about seven drawings; some remain uncertain as to the identity of either the subject (mostly etchings) or the artist (mostly paintings), or the definition of a portrait. / Rembrandt/ Autoportrait en jeune homme. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, Self Portrait at the Easel, 1660, Louvre Museum, Self Portrait as Zeuxis, c. 1662. », paru en 1881, avec coupures de presse et manuscrit de son article : «. L'Autoportrait en Apôtre Paul est un autoportrait de Rembrandt, daté de 1661. Rembrandt van Rijn, 'Autoportrait avec Sabre', 1634, photo: Galerie national de Prague « L’un de ses portraits, Vieil homme avec un chapeau de fourrure, peint en 1630, est une œuvre de toute petite taille mais il a peint énormément de détails ce qui la rend très réaliste. Summary, XXVIII; White, 187-188, accepts it as authentic. Ecole Italienne du XIXe siècle, portrait de Rembrandt jeune, grande huile sur panneau d'après l'original de Rembrandt, autoportrait réalisé en 1634 qui est exposé à la Galerie des Offices à Florence. Le tableau se trouve dans les collections du Rijksmuseum à Amsterdam. Cette huile sur toile de 91 cm de haut et de 77 cm de large appartient à une série d'autoportraits montrant le vieillissement du peintre. The first of the "official" etched self-portraits.[40]. Together they give a remarkably clear picture of the man, his appearance and his psychological make-up, as revealed by his richly weathered face. The standing portrait, if indeed by it is Rembrandt, may have been done for someone else's "friendship album" (album amicorum); keeping these was common in artistic and literary circles. Portrait d'un homme se levant de sa chaise, Le Christ dans la tempête sur la mer de Galilée, Diane et ses nymphes surprises au bain par Actéon, Autoportrait portant un bonnet à plumes blanches, L'Archange Raphaël quittant la famille de Tobie, Bethsabée au bain tenant la lettre de David, Jésus présenté au peuple, ou l'Ecce Homo en largeur,ôtre_Paul&oldid=172633175, Page pointant vers des bases relatives aux beaux-arts, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Et il contribuera aussi ultérieurement à la décoration de la mairie d’Amsterdam. He is drawing on an etching plate, making this the least posed self-portrait etching. "[50], 1636, Kupferstichkabinett Berlin, pen and brush in brown ink. Numerous paintings and drawings show that Rembrandt was more interested in himself as a subject, from the earliest times and well into old age, than any other artist of his period. Rembrandt a réalisé plusieurs portraits de sa femme entre 1633 (National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C) et 1634 (musée de l'Ermitage, Saint-Pétersbourg), et reste très prolifique en eaux-fortes, qui gagnent en qualité Autoportrait Rembrandt. [9] Modern scholarship, especially the Rembrandt Research Project, has reduced the autograph count to over forty paintings, as well as a few drawings and thirty-one etchings, which include many of the most remarkable images of the group. Self-portrait wearing a white feathered bonnet, Self-Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar, 'Tronie' of a Young Man with Gorget and Beret, E. van de Wetering, 'Rembrandt laughing, c. 1628 – a painting resurfaces' in Kroniek van het Rembrandthuis, June 2008, "Rembrandt recovered! Wallace Collection, London, Painted over a biblical scene, only the head and collar are by Rembrandt. Kenwood House, London. Only three impressions survive, B4, c. 1628. Puis la planche est plongée dans un bain d’acide nitrique qui corrode les parties entaillées. Only the head is done in i–iv, and some impressions have drawn additions trying body poses. Toutefois les syndics des drapiers d’Amsterdam viennent ensuite lui demander de peindre leur portrait (1662). [52], c. 1655, Rembrandthuis. L'Autoportrait en Apôtre Paul est un autoportrait de Rembrandt, daté de 1661. [8], At one time about ninety paintings were counted as Rembrandt self-portraits, but it is now known that he had his students copy his own self-portraits as part of their training. Voir commentaire de la peinture « La fiancée Juive » par Didier Long sur son site. Proust, Le temps retrouvé :«Le chagrin finit par tuer. Le plus souvent, l'artiste supprime tous les détails narratifs au profit de l'expression et de la … [49], Self-portrait, pen and brush and ink on paper, c. 1628–1629, Rijksmuseum, Self-portrait as a young man with mouth open, c. 1629, British Museum. Après ce bain, le graveur ôte le vernis, passe de l’encre dans les parties creuses puis imprime au moyen d’une presse. [23], Self-Portrait in a Black Cap, c. 1637. B5, c. 1628, ii of two states. Dans la collection du roi d'Angleterre cet autoportrait est appelé « sa propre image et faite par lui même ». Already wearing historical dress. Depuis ses débuts à Leyde en 1629 à sa mort en 1669 à Amsterdam, Rembrandt s'est représenté sur près de cent œuvres, peintes, gravées ou dessinées[3].

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