For our study purpose, this concentrates on the most familiar public engagement methods, or those similar tools to be compared with HF 2.0. 489-509. View All Posts {{labelSign}} Favorites {{errorMessage}} coolfooldumbguy (668) User Actions . As agreed with other panelists, the inclusion of a fisher-entrepreneur would have increased the representativeness of the local population. The HF 2.0. can be used as a communication tool (by invitation to discussion, debate and action), but it is mainly relevant to enhance sustainable practices as active research, by its investment of people, including consumer and citizen. Strength2Food is a European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program focusing on “Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy.” More information at: Hybrid forums is the concept that Callon et al. Drawing on previous literature and different categorization criteria, Table I provides a schematic view of different public engagement methods and key evaluation criteria. In this sense, learning and thinking together constitute both outputs and results per se, not only for panelists and researchers but also for the general public participating to the open dialogue. Auch BMW versucht, Kritik an den geringen Klimavorteilen der teilelektrischen Plug-in-Hybride durch eine App aufzufangen. The notion of hybrid forums has come to embody the promises and dangers of ‘technical democracy’; that ethico-political project that, according to Callon, Lascoumes, and Barthe (2009. 6 No. All potentially interested people are invited, including consumers, practitioners but also private initiatives/small-scale entrepreneurs who may piloting market development strategies on their businesses. November 2020. Hegnes, A.W. This is followed by part two, which consists of an open public dialogue of about one hour, with a much larger audience, where everybody can contribute to the discussion. (2005), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford. By carefully describing the genealogy, organization and consequences of said forums, I reflect on three critical tensions underlying such collaborative processes. The authors developing the 3GDP (Heidenstrøm and Strandbakken, 2012; Stø et al., 2013; Strandbakken and Borch, 2015) have a long experience with adjusting engagement methods to the field and, as such, suggest three specific elements for a better deliberative process: first, to present specific themes and questions, and avoid a general debate; second, to raise the ambitions for the organization of the event by having high quality presentations, material, posters, etc., and give sufficient time and space for debates; and third, to introduce workshop democracy by letting participants define (sub) themes, let them choose between speakers, experts, etc. This event aimed at discussing “the value of local fish” in the city of Sandefjord[9] as quality, price and culture appeared all together to be controversial. Hyundai IONIQ Elektro. The social and political construction of an international ‘technical consultation’: male circumcision and HIV prevention, Introducing and practicing PDO and PGI in Norway, Air to Air Heat Pumps in Norwegian Households: Technological and Market Development, Media Analysis and the Use of Practice Theory to Study Consumption, Scientific expertise in public arenas: lessons from the French experience, Mapping environmental land use conflict potentials and ecosystem services in agricultural watersheds, Why has critique run out of steam? (2011), Labels of Origin for Food: Local Development, Global Recognition, CABI, Wallingford. Hybrid forums is the concept that Callon et al. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. 589-606. The aim of this paper is thus twofold and encompasses both methodological and empirical perspectives. The second expert presented a project aiming at raising awareness against the environmental (micro) plastics problem in the sea. Consumers indicated how such consumption patterns mainly reflect the limited seafood availability from supermarkets and local fishmongers, exacerbating the confusion over what is local and in season. Compared to other public engagement tools, HF 2.0. appear to be effective in terms of democratization and their structured decision-making approach, whereby participants play a key role in the co-production and co-interpretation of knowledge. Callon Petroleum Company > still holding this stock. LAFS are situated at the crossroad of several logics, or visions of the world – with market, efficiency, environment or tradition as central references – also defined as negociated orders (Compagnone, 2012) which often make the networks quite unstable. nano technologies, healthcare and genetically modified organisms). From a more pragmatic perspective, we discuss their effectiveness and limitations in the co-construction of knowledge based on experimental applications from Norway and the UK, in addressing controversies on local and sustainable seafood. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. As North Shields is particularly renowned for its fishing trade, being the busiest and most important fishing port of the East part of England, the choice of location was not coincidental. We proposed then a methodological protocol – based on hybrid forum and the 3GDP – to support the application of HF 2.0. in a more systematic manner across the seven European countries as part of the S2F project. 117-126. Ich erinnere nur daran, dass in heutigen wissenschaftlichen Kontroversen das vorgezeichnet ist, was Arie Rip und Michel Callon "hybride Foren" genannt haben. The wider public debate mainly focused on the consumption side and recognized that there is a significant limited consumption of local seafood despite the close location by the coast. Furthermore, HF 2.0. should aim at engaging different local stakeholders and laypersons within the supply chain, to foster dialogue and disseminate about the project, as well as collect useful data to inform and potentially drive local pilot action initiatives. Second, despite the democratic framework and the explanation of what HF 2.0. are and seek to achieve, it was not always possible to transcend and go beyond private interests, as each local actor had some private interests to protect and pursue. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. 905-924. 4, pp. This open space would not only include experts and politicians, but also diverse local knowledge. Hochschullehre in Krisenzeiten Zwischen digitalen Wegen, hybriden Formaten, zwischen Unsicherheit … Key strengths worth mentioning also include their dynamic and democratic mechanism, with large potential to build strong stakeholder–citizen relationships. The authors argue that the attractiveness of HF 2.0. is notable in at least two ways: first, they provide a solid democratic and reflective mechanism to stimulate effective dialogue and knowledge-exchange among different stakeholders; second, they contribute as an important methodological evidence-based tool, which can be used as a launching pad for shaping local action groups and community partnerships’ strategies aimed at fostering local development. Fahrzeug wechseln. Seitennavigation Nächste Seite Following the discussion in this second part, the crab festival idea was put on the side and a new “bigger” idea was put forward: the establishment of a maritime museum so that local people and tourists can learn about life in the fjord. To a large extent, research on Localized Agro-Food Systems (LAFS)[1] offers an extensive debate field, whereby specific economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability, and their trade-offs, are typically challenged by experts and relevant actors – i.e., from a general perspective (Sanz-Cañada, 2016), in relation to the local vs global sustainability of food (Brunori et al., 2016), or the environmental land use and watersheds management (Kim and Arnhold, 2018). Ein Modelljahr auswählen. When HF 2.0. become outdated, a new generation of engagement methods will be required. Whereas the above demand and supply-side limitations were indicated as main reasons for the lack of local short fish supply chains, some contradictory statements were also made, e.g., “the devaluation of some native species as the result of their abundance” and “the industry seeks to promote local fish with limited interest from consumers and fishers.” The panelists discussed ways to improve the current situation, via marketing strategies and educational campaigns to increase consumer awareness on provenance and sustainability of fish, and the need of strengthening networks within the supply chain (linking directly fishers, fishmongers, restaurateurs and consumers). The specificity of HF 2.0. the way we experimented them in case of LAFS, was to offer a dialogic exchange and a longitudinal, self-reflection from actants about the sustainability of LAFS – including their need for adaptation and translation between production and consumption. In a later study, the same authors develop a further typology, disentangling the three dimensions of public engagement into communication, consultation and participation (Rowe and Frewer, 2005). Although this may sound quite idealist, it is worth keeping in mind that hybrid forums are defined as spaces where controversies not only take place but also evolve: “they are powerful apparatuses for exploring and learning about possible worlds” (Callon et al., 2009, p. 28). Depuis 1967, il est professeur à Mines ParisTech et chercheur au Centre de sociologie de l'innovation (CSI) qu'il a dirigé de 1982 à 19941. Vorläufige Daten (Herstellerangaben) Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid; Motor/Antrieb. (2001), as a democratic and dynamic way to think and act together, hybrid forums can be described as public discussion spaces, with the aim of constructing a common project around a defined challenge, or “controversy.” Both etymologically and in common language, a controversy is a dispute which includes a confrontation. 12, pp. The notion of hybrid forums has come to embody the promises and dangers of ‘technical democracy’; that ethico-political project that, according to Callon, Lascoumes, and Barthe (2009. flyer, mailing list and various social media platforms). What Latour calls “participants” and “ingredients” including dimensions we do not know or imagine (Latour, 2004). The second part of the HF 2.0. started with quick introductions from the organizers and introduced the five panelists. Um zukunftsfähig zu sein, wurde unsere aktuelle Webseite für die neuesten Technologien entwickelt. The notion of hybrid forums has come to embody the promises and dangers of ‘technical democracy’; that ethico-political project that, according to Callon, Lascoumes, and Barthe (2009. From matters of fact to matters of concern”, Critical Inquiry, Vol. The protocol builds on three steps (that will be further described in next section): finding a controversy which is relevant for the local community, conducting fieldwork data collection while fostering collective dialogue and analyses, evaluation and reorganization for the next HF 2.0. as we plan one HF 2.0. per year during three years period. The event was then promoted via flyers, posters, social media (e.g. Réviron, S. and Chappuis, J.-M. (2011), “Geographical indications: collective organization and management”, in Barham, E. and Sylvander, B. The principle of precaution is both a way to apprehend uncertainty – by not taking a decision as long as we cannot assure there is no harm or danger for users – and a pillar of EU food policy (see for example To conceive such collaboration, Callon introduces the notion of Hybrid Forum (Callon, 2004; Callon, Lascoumes, & Barthe, 2001). Both LAFS and GIs are two pillars of food market. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank all partners from task 2–4 for their contribution in the development of the protocol, for discussions and for the organization of the hybrid forums in their respective countries: Matthieu Duboys de Labarre (AgroSup Dijon Team, France), Áron Török (ECO-SEN Team, Hungary), Beatrice Biasini and Davide Menozzi (UniPR Parma Team, Italy), Agatha Malak-Rawlikowska (SGGW Team, in Poland), Ratko Bojovic (EUTA Team, in Serbia). Notably, Rowe and Frewer (2000) discuss strengths and caveats of different types of public participation procedures, and provide an evaluation framework for their categorization. The forum was co-organized by a group of researchers from Newcastle University and Food Nation[10] and aimed at stimulating a short fish supply chain via research and innovation activities. Hashtag Publics The Power and Politics of Discursive Networks Series: Digital Formations Edited By Nathan Rambukkana An HF 2.0. approach builds on a multidisciplinary and open-minded perspective which is not far from conceptual engineering: actants from the field are the ones who know and can have a dialogue. Part of the HF 2.0.s’ methodology focuses on the controversy (which may not be predefined) that emerged, or will develop, at the local level, as the result of the discussion with local participants. They can offer an enriching and challenging methodological approach in the context of LAFS, especially in the discussion of controversial issues around food chain sustainability. Markets are at the heart of consumption issues, but they often work unsustainably or unfairly, as their framework is not necessarily adapted to externalities or changes in the society. In contrast with other conventional public engagement methods, such as citizen juries, consensus conferences, focus groups or deliberative processes, hybrid forums entail a more dynamic and democratic mechanism to reflect and act together, with the aim of constructing a common project around a defined challenge (Callon et al., 2001, 2009). Trytom. Kim, I. and Arnhold, S. (2018), “Mapping environmental land use conflict potentials and ecosystem services in agricultural watersheds”, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. Throughout the duration of the five-year project, three HF 2.0. at three different seasons have been planned across seven European countries (France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Serbia and the UK), in order to ensure some longitudinal continuity and interaction among local actors, to observe the impact of time and seasons – fundamental in LAFS – and explore the potential evolution of local controversies. In this paper I study the managerial deployment of hybrid forums as participatory devices after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami in the city of Constitución, Chile. "In this provocative book, Michel Callon analyses the hybrid forums taking shape in the controversial sites where science overflows into the everyday world, where specialist knowledge is being challenged, new kinds of dialogic democracy are being born, and new styles of measured action are coming into being that enable human beings to reach decisions despite endemic uncertainty. 5 No. Boltanski, L. and Thévenot, L. (2006), On Justification: Economies of Worth, Princeton University: Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford. 225-248. I conclude by suggesting that the most urgent challenge of hybrid forums is not just to democratically respond to existing uncertainties and matters of concern, but also to actually participate in the manufacturing of uncertainty. Michel Callon, né en 1945, est un sociologue et ingénieur français. This chapter imports Michel Callon’s model of the ‘hybrid forum’ (Callon et al, 2009, p. 18) into social media research, arguing that certain kinds of hashtag publics can be mapped onto this model. Elektroautos und Plug-In Hybride. The HF 2.0. itself is based on two interconnected and complementary parts, inspired by the 3GDP, to ensure a fruitful debate in the public meeting. But they must be organized for their social yield to be optimal, and their organization must be the object through reflection […] The market is a high-precision machine that presupposes constant tuning, impeccable maintenance and attentive after-sale service” (Callon et al., 2009, p. 234). The discussion theme was closely linked to the first HF 2.0, as well as to the fieldwork evidence collected on local short food supply chains and consumer perceptions about local and sustainable (sea) food, which are central exploratory issues of the S2F project. Treyer, S. (2009), “Changing perspectives on foresight and strategy: from foresight project management to the management of change in collective strategic elaboration processes”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol.

forum hybride callon 2021